From the course: Leadership Stories: 5-Minute Lessons in Leading People

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Concrete vs. Abstract

Concrete vs. Abstract

- In 2006, one of the biggest retailers in the country asked their top supplier to help research one of its key customer segments, a group of women they called the achiever moms. Now, these were Type A personality women who ran their households like they were running a business, so the team spent several weeks doing research with achiever moms, but when it was time to make the big presentation to the retailer's management team, the supplier didn't present it in a traditional way with PowerPoint presentations and a well planned out order. They decided to try something very different. Now, at the beginning of the meeting, the team leader put a chair out into the middle of the room and introduced the audience to one of its achiever moms, and sitting in the chair was Julie. The supplier's marketing director, who they of course all knew. Now, that probably seemed a bit odd, but it wasn't a ruse. Julie was in fact an achiever mom, right? She had taken the battery of questions and fit the…
