From the course: Leadership Principles for Emerging Leaders with Bill George

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Know yourself

Know yourself

- Let's talk about the things you can do to become a better leader. It starts with self-awareness, knowing who you are at that deep level, because that's the basis of authenticity. And until you know who you are, you can't become a great leader. Now, how do you do that? We talked earlier about understanding your life's story, about using your crucible to find your true north. Those are two things, but there are other things you need to do. One is, I think every one of us needs to have a reflection process where we take 20 minutes a day, we put away all the electronics, the cell phones, the computer, everything else, and just focus on something. Now, I like to meditate. I've been doing that for 45 years. I take 20 minutes to do that every day. You may want to do some mindfulness practice. Maybe you want to read from the Bible or pray. Maybe you want to talk to a loved one. Maybe you just want to take a long walk or go…
