From the course: Leadership Foundations: Leadership Styles and Models

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Situational leadership

Situational leadership

- My old basketball coach had an approach I had never seen before. He led the whole team with a consistent tone, but when it came to each athlete, he drove some players hard on their skills, but he challenged others on attitude. Have you ever worked for a boss who went easy on some people, but pushed others? To make sense of this, I'd like to talk about the situational leadership model created by Paul Hersey and Ken Blanchard. The model's core belief is that no one leadership style works best in all cases. Leaders must adapt to fit the situation. Hersey and Blanchard narrowed the model to four key variables. The first two terms focus on the leader's task and relationship behavior. Task behavior involves a leader explaining what to do and how to do it, so a supervisor might give instructions and set deadlines. A leader's relationship behavior supports followers' emotional and social needs. For example, the leader…
