From the course: Leadership Foundations: Leadership Styles and Models

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Servant leadership

Servant leadership

- Language is full of phrases that seem like contradictions, but still make sense. For example, we write final drafts. We live with constant change. And in when it comes to leadership, we have the servant leader perspective. How can we be a leader and a servant at the same time? To answer this question, we'll look at the mindset that drives servant leaders. We'll then look at the essential characteristics these leaders have in common. At its center, servant leadership is a servant-first mindset or philosophy. To understand this, let's contrast it with the leader-first mindset. At the extreme, individuals with a leader-first mindset are driven by personal gain, like material possessions, power, control. They want to climb the ladder of success. They see followers as a means to that end. Servant leaders flip that way of thinking. They have a servant-first mindset. So an individual becomes a leader, but they still want…
