From the course: Leadership Foundations: Leadership Styles and Models

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Collaborative leadership

Collaborative leadership

- I'm always fascinated when I watch a conductor lead an orchestra. They wave their arms and shake their baton to do the impossible: get 100 individual musicians to sound great together. Like with music, collaboration in other areas requires a good leader. So let's look at what the collaborative leadership perspective has to offer. We'll first contrast it with the traditional view of management and then see what collaboration looks like in action. First, it's different than old fashioned management that focuses on control. So at the top of the pyramid, the executives give orders, in the middle, directors and managers push those directives down. The frontline supervisors and employees comply. Each part of the organization is a silo, and most work is done at the individual level. In contrast, collaborative leaders think outside of that pyramid. They see the organization as an interdependent system. A collaborative…
