From the course: Leadership Foundations: Leadership Styles and Models

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Behavioral-driven leadership

Behavioral-driven leadership

- It was the 1950s. The dominant school of thought on leadership was still the traits approach, the idea that some people were just born leaders, and the rest of us were out of luck. But out of this all-or-nothing approach, a discontent group of researchers from Ohio State and the University of Michigan charted a new course. They opened the doors for the behavioral approach to leadership that showed how leadership was about learnable skills that anybody could improve. Let's fast forward to the 21st century to take a look at what the behavioral approach is all about. We'll discuss its core principles, and then talk about how you can use it today. We'll start with its core principles. These researchers studied how leaders' actions directly influence the performance of their followers. They found two groupings of leadership behaviors. The first category is all about task-driven behaviors. We call these task-oriented or…
