From the course: Leadership Foundations: Leadership Styles and Models

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Autocratic style

Autocratic style

- Years ago, I worked for a boss who was large and in charge. The organization was in troubled waters, and he was hired to turn the ship around. He used a command and control approach. He gave orders; we followed. He wasn't our buddy. He was the boss. And I'll admit, he took control of a bad situation and pointed the ship in the right direction again. He was a classic autocratic leader. I'm wondering if you've ever worked for a boss like this, and did you enjoy the experience? Well, let's take a closer look at the autocratic leader. We'll consider the key characteristics, advantages, and disadvantages of this leadership style. To start, let's consider some key traits. At its core, autocratic leadership is a boss-centered authoritarian style. These leaders like to take control and centralize their authority. They don't delegate their power to their team. Autocratic leaders also tell you what to do. They don't look…
