From the course: Lead Generation Foundations

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Example: Using social publishing to engage leads

Example: Using social publishing to engage leads

From the course: Lead Generation Foundations

Example: Using social publishing to engage leads

- [Narrator] Let's review an example of how Leaf and Mortar, a landscape design company, engaged organic leads on their website and on social media. The chief marketing officer at Leaf and Mortar, Ava Garcia, realized that many people found her brand on their own outside of prompts from her marketing campaigns. She learned that these leads were demonstrating organic interest by reading the Leaf and Mortar website blog and social media posts. She wanted to maintain those leads' interests, and engage them more deeply with her brand. First, Ava determined that one of her personas, Daniel, most closely aligned with what she knew about these leads. As a transportation planner and analyst, Daniel is trained to assess impacts to the environment. Daniel is interested in more than just beauty for his home's landscaping. He cares deeply about sustainability and the science behind landscape design. Ava made sure to include this important…
