From the course: Lead Generation Foundations

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Engaging your marketing leads

Engaging your marketing leads

- [Narrator] Words are powerful. The right words make people feel understood, included and respected. The right words make people want to engage with you. I'll describe how to use words to connect with leads who have demonstrated organic interest in your company. Organic interest is when someone finds your brand without any direct sales or marketing prompts. This could be briefly visiting your website from their own research, or maybe they read your company post that their friend shared. I'm going to walk you through how to engage and nurture these relationships by using the right words in the right places. Let's start with tips for how to choose the right words. Review your persona. Look for insights that will help you choose relevant words. What motivates them? Do they have specific expectations? What pain points can you solve? Review competitive insights. Which words will communicate how your product or service…
