From the course: Lead Generation Foundations

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Cultivating relationships for customer loyalty and advocacy

Cultivating relationships for customer loyalty and advocacy

From the course: Lead Generation Foundations

Cultivating relationships for customer loyalty and advocacy

- You've reached the end of this lead generation course. Thank you for joining me. We've learned how to identify, qualify, and convert leads to your customers. Now you can write your own lead generation plan to grow your business. Here are some suggestions to kick off your lead generation program and nurture your relationships to drive repeat purchases. Constantly monitor changes like customers evolving needs, new competitive activity, or how your own product or service may change. Use these insights to evolve your lead generation strategy to stay relevant and competitive. Stay on top of best practices and exchange ideas with other people just like you. Join lead generation networking groups and follow posts on LinkedIn and other social media. Sign up for free newsletters from top management consultancies and marketing communications agencies who share lead generation insights and case studies. If you'd like to stay in…
