From the course: Landing a Business Intelligence Role

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Considering nonprofit analytics work

Considering nonprofit analytics work

- Imposter syndrome is a major hurdle for a lot of people who are trying to break into the business intelligence space. It's a bit of a chicken or the egg situation. They think, "I don't have any experience, yet I need some experience to get my first job." So what gives? Well, one potential hack is by volunteering. Volunteering with a local nonprofit is a great way to gain analytics experience in a very low-risk environment. You can volunteer to collect, visualize, and analyze an organization's data. I've spent multiple years on the board of advisors for a local nonprofit, and I know firsthand that nonprofits are always on the hunt for talented volunteers. It's been my experience, that within the nonprofit space, there's also a shortage of analytics talent. Most of the people who volunteer are much more impact focused and much less focused on the numbers. This poses a huge opportunity for you. Let me tell you about my…
