From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Challenge intro: Create a template literal

Challenge intro: Create a template literal - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

Challenge intro: Create a template literal

(light upbeat music) - [Instructor] Template literals are both useful and in heavy use across JavaScript applications, so in this challenge, you'll create a new template literal to output information from an object as a String. Your starting code contains a constructor for the Camera object, capturing information about cameras, and a function, cameraAge, to calculate the age of the camera based on the information in one of the Camera objects. The test code has a constant, myCamera, using the Camera object constructor to create a new object. Your task in this challenge is to add a template literal to the cameraStory constant matching this formatting, populated with the data from the myCamera object. These instructions may make more sense when you see them in context. In the answer code for this challenge, you'll find the object constructor, Camera, that receives all the information about the camera. There's a function…
