From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

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Practice: Modify classes and attributes, and styles

Practice: Modify classes and attributes, and styles - JavaScript Tutorial

From the course: JavaScript Essential Training

Practice: Modify classes and attributes, and styles

- Being able to quickly access, modify, add and remove classes, attributes and inline styles from any element in the DOM, is a bit like having a bag of tools on hand to solve pretty much any problem. Need to indicate a state change of an element? Add or remove a class. Need to pass data from one element to the other? Add a data attribute. Need to change the appearance of a specific element for some reason? Add an inline style. In the previous practice assignment, you familiarized yourself with accessing DOM elements using the query selector and query selector all methods. Now I want you to take this one step further by actively modifying the elements you've targeted by adding or removing classes, attributes, and inline styles. Here's some examples of what you can do. Find an element and add two different classes then remove only one of those new classes. Add a new attribute to an element. This can be a standard…
