From the course: Introduction to Terraform on Google Cloud Platform

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What is Terraform?

What is Terraform?

- [Instructor] I'm guessing you already have some idea of what Terraform is, but let's review. Terraform is an infrastructure management tool made by HashiCorp that lets you provision, manage, and maintain cloud resources, servers, networking, storage, et cetera, all in one centralized set of code. So Terraform is a tool, a command line or cloud-based program that you run to define and make changes to your infrastructure. But Terraform is also a language that defines those changes. Terraform is for managing the base infrastructure itself. For example, creating a server instance and placing it behind a load balancer. Terraform's primary purpose isn't really to define what's running on that server once it's deployed. So Terraform will create the server and then you might use something like Puppet to turn that server into a web server, depending on your specific application code running on it. Or you might use a predefined image that has everything you need. You might think of Terraform…
