From the course: Introduction to Terraform on Google Cloud Platform

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First Terraform run

First Terraform run

- [Instructor] In our last video, we ran Terraform plan but didn't apply the changes. So, let's take a look at our terraform run. You can see that it's listed as Planned. Let's scroll down and see what that plan looks like. First of all, it says + 1 resource to create, and then here's the google_compute_instance.web. This is Terraform's internal name for this resource, so that's what was specified in that resource statement. We can open up this dropdown and see a lot of information about what's configured. And a lot of these are listed as Known after apply. That's because Terraform doesn't yet know what these values will be, and they will only be returned to terraform after the compute instance is actually provisioned. Some of these are known because we've specified them or because they're set to the default values. Let's close that dropdown. And if we open up the outputs, we can see our one output value that we've added, which is the public_ip. And this is just a handy way that we…
