From the course: Introduction to AI Orchestration with LangChain and LlamaIndex

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Next steps for AI app engineers

Next steps for AI app engineers

Congratulations on completing this course. The world of AI is changing on a daily or sometimes hourly basis, and it's no easy feat keeping up with things. Even as new developments come down the pike, the concepts we've discussed here will make it easier for you to keep up. Enjoy the ride. Here's a few more related things that you might want to look into. The folks that produced LangChain have an observability and tracing suite called LangSmith. That's useful for seeing exactly what's happening inside your app. And the folks behind LlamaIndex have an extensive Llama Hub with a ton of integrations that I can't wait to start using. If you've embraced the local side of LLMs, have a look at the llama.cpp project, which is making great progress towards being a production quality inference platform. And building on the topic of agents, there's a bunch of interesting work going on around agent swarms, where teams of increasingly autonomous agents working together in concert. Also, expect…
