From the course: Interactive Animations with CSS and JavaScript

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Adding an animationend event handler

Adding an animationend event handler

- [Instructor] As I promised in the last video, I've added some more markup to support the learning montage. So let's go ahead and take a quick look at where we're at in the presentation. I'm gonna go ahead and refresh, and do my I click. And you can see that this part is the same. Still animate those unchosen elements. Now, between this slide and the next slide, I haven't added an autoadvance yet, so I'm gonna go ahead and click on it. Now, this markup is new. Let's go ahead and bring up the developer tools and see what we've got. Now you'll see these slides are all the same as they were before, but here's a new slide that has some new markup in it. You'll see that we've got this new hp-learn element. And it has some children. It has an hp-learn no element, and an hp-learn yes element. And those are what I'm gonna use to indicate whether or not the shape in the center is the one we're trying to target. Also we have an image tag, which is where we're going to change the image…
