From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Track retention of temp/contract staff

Track retention of temp/contract staff

- Turnover is expensive. Whether it's a core employee or a temp or contractor who leaves before they complete their assignment, turnover is expensive. That's why you conduct thorough interviews and have retention strategies to retain your core employees. Your interview is the foundation for a successful hire. You need to make sure the person has the experience, skills, and credentials you require. You also need to ask if they've completed all their prior assignments or contracts. If not, what was the reason that compelled them to quit? You also want to determine if the candidate works independently or prefers to be supported, coached, or mentored. Be sure to ask what they've liked most about prior assignments or contracts and what they liked least. Your goal is to reveal any possible red flags or reasons a temporary employee or contractor might not work out. Now it's just as important to adopt retention strategies to reduce the attrition of temporary employees and contractors, because…
