From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Track quality of hire

Track quality of hire

- There's a critical link between the performance of your temporary employees and contractors and your company's success. KPIs are key to tracking how well all employees are performing. To simplify the process, let's split employee performance metrics into four categories, work quality, work quantity, work efficiency, and organizational performance. Let's start with the work quality employee performance metrics. There are several models you could implement, but we will address two. The first is the management by objectives model. This is when you translate company goals into specific individual goals. These goals are used by managers to set objectives for employees. Each goal is given a certain weight, a number of points. When the goals are achieved, the points are rewarded. This method makes the goals more tangible and data driven. 360s are when you ask the employee's peers, subordinates, customers, and managers to give feedback. That feedback provides a multi-perspective view of an…
