From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Talent acquisition tool

Talent acquisition tool

- Think about it. No matter how much you interview, you really don't know what a person is capable of or how they'll fit in with your team. Contract to hire is a great solution because it give you a chance to try before you buy. You an the employee get time to determine if you're a good fit for each other. You can evaluate the employee and see if they have the skills necessary to be brought on full-time without a long-term commitment. Your company spends thousands of dollars on training, benefits, and onboarding, and that's expensive if the hire doesn't work out. By hiring temp or contract to hire, you can determine if the employee fits in with your company culture before investing time and money. For the employee, it's a great way to see if they feel comfortable with your company and culture. It's an excellent opportunity for them to network and meet your employees. And if they're hired permanently, your employees can help them transition to a full-time. To take full advantage of a…
