From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Strategic hiring process

Strategic hiring process

- You probably have peaks and valleys in your company's workflow, special projects that need coverage, or maybe seasonal needs. Maintaining the right talent to meet these needs can be a challenge, but it doesn't have to be. Temporary and contract staffing firms that specialize in your industry can provide the flexibility you need while providing candidates with the experience they crave. It's an obvious win-win. In the past, temporary employees or contractors were seen as fill-ins when a core employee was out for an extended period of time. While they can still help in these situations, temps and contractors are now performing mission-critical consultative work and being hired for the specific skillsets they bring to the table. Peaks in your workload can put unreasonable work demands on your core employees. Rather than have them working overtime, evenings, and weekends, temps or contractors can handle the additional workflow and cover the hours your core employees prefer not to work…
