From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Standards of performance

Standards of performance

- There's a sense of relief when you hire temporary employees or contractors to support your current team. But if you wanna insure that goals and objectives are met, you need to set clear standards of performance, and explain how that performance will be evaluated. A job description is a list of duties and responsibilities that you want the flexible workers to perform. Performance standards convey how well they need to perform those duties and responsibilities. In other words, a job description explains what to do; performance standards explain how to do it. The most effective performance standards are defined in quality and quantity, and should be specific to the job. They should be standards that can be met while still offering a challenge for your employee. And, they should be written, so that they're clear and understandable. To help you set performance standards, you need a copy of the job description, and written specifications of each job. For example, if a contract recruiter…
