From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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- Don't wait until it's too late. When you have pressing assignments or contracts to fill, it's already too late to try to find the best niche staffing firms. That's something you want to do before you have a need. Start by listing every hiring resource you've used in the past 12 months. Include website postings, job boards, recruiting firms, LinkedIn Recruiter, and other social media sites. Be sure to include your employee referral program and any additional resources, whether you're paying for them or not. Resources that have expertise in a specific niche can often provide the best talent for a specific need. So, list your resources and the types of positions they fill. Then note if the resource was used for full-time hires or temporary employees and contractors. Next, review the number of temp assignments and contracts that were listed, and more importantly, the percentage that were filled by each specific resource. This list will quickly reveal which resources are a waste of time…
