From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Process to evaluate

Process to evaluate

- The dreaded performance review. Nobody likes them, but they are important especially for contingent employees. So let's see if we can separate the word dreaded from performance reviews by looking at the process a bit differently. Why do we think of employee performance reviews as being only about the employee? When you employ temporary employees or contractors, your hiring authority should review their performance, sure. But don't both the employee and the supervisor want the best possible performance? If an employee isn't performing well, it could be they lack the proper tools or training, or maybe your contingent workers don't feel appreciated and as a result, are not as productive as they might be. Consider reviewing the employee and their supervisor. When you review temporary workers and contractors, make sure they're being given feedback on a regular basis. Their supervisor should encourage them and suggest corrections early and often. Your temps and contractors will perform…
