From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

Predetermine realistic expectations and goals

- I can vividly remember a couple of my high school teachers telling my parents I wasn't performing up to their expectations. But I was getting straight As, so I asked the teachers to be more specific about the expectations I supposedly wasn't meeting. How could I meet expectations which were not defined? Well the same thing is true when it comes to the hiring process. As the HR contact, you need to make sure candidates know what they're getting into when they're hired for a temporary job or contract. They need specific information about the work that needs to be completed, the pay rate, the duration of the assignment or contract, the hours, overtime requirements, goals, and the performance standards. The candidate also needs to know what they can expect from you after their assignment or contract ends. Will you provide references? Will you put together a recommendation letter? Will you recommend them for a possible full-time opportunity? Will they learn new skills that will make them more marketable? If you emphasize how their job experience with you will advance their career, it will help you attract the best talent. Then clarify the expectations and goals of the hiring manager. Write down what your hiring authorities expect from the candidates they hire and specifically what the candidates can expect from your hiring authority. Clarify expectations up front. This will help eliminate confusion between your hiring authority and the candidate. Finally, determine what you expect from your representative at the staffing firm and what they should expect from you. Set up a consistent follow up process to ensure the contingent worker is happy in their position and that you are pleased with their performance. Request that the staffing firm function as a mentor for their candidate and as an advocate for you if problems arise. Making sure expectations are transparent during the hiring process will make sure that both sides are happy with the hiring decision and will likely lead to a happier, more productive employee and less friction with your existing team and business processes.
