From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Orientation and importance of internal mentor

Orientation and importance of internal mentor

- Think for a minute about your personal experience on the first day of a new job. You were probably confident in your ability to do the work and excited about the new opportunity, but also a little nervous about all the unknowns. That's the experience of every flexible worker you hire. If you want to get the greatest return on your investment, start them off on the right foot with a solid orientation process. A good orientation will speed up the time it takes for new hires to become productive employees. It also increases the employee's comfort level about their decision to work for you. They'll realize you're paying attention to details and are willing to help them through their transition period when starting their new job. Orientation programs also help employees understand your expectations. Your company has policies, procedures, dress codes, and attendance and conduct standards. Your orientation should make it clear what is and what is not acceptable. Know this will help new…
