From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Job description: Obtain manager and team input

Job description: Obtain manager and team input

- Have you ever read a job description and had no idea what it was asking for? So, you read it again and again and you still didn't understand what they were asking for. See, informative enticing job descriptions are not hard to write, but they do take a little time and some thought, and if you really want to get the greatest return on your investment, you need to get the whole team involved. Talk to the direct report. The job may require new skills or additional credentials, and who better to update the job order, especially because they're the one who will judge your candidates performance. Then, talk to the team members. See, they can either ignore and resent the candidate or accept and mentor them. When the team has input into the job description, they begin to realize how this new hire can benefit them. Now when you actually write the job description, there are some things that you must include and it begins with a job title. An effective job title that makes sense and peaks the…
