From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Intro and integration with team

Intro and integration with team

- There can't be a them versus us mentality between your core employees and contingent workers. It just won't work. You can prevent conflict by writing a strategic hiring plan to help integrate temps and contractors into your culture. Then make sure your managers and core employees understand the plan and embrace the value of hiring contingent workers. According to studies by LinkedIn and Intuit, by the year 2020, 40% of American workers will be contingent employees working as freelancers, contractors, temps, and consultants. So you need to make sure everyone works well together. If your employees see managers and executives treating contingent workers with respect, they'll feel comfortable doing the same. Provide temporary workers with a company email address. If your contingent employees are expected to perform, they must be included in company communications and training. Make sure temp workers have a workspace comparable to other employees. Invite temporary employees and…
