From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Interview process

Interview process

- Do you interview temporary employees or contractors differently than candidates applying for direct hire? If yes, that should change today. Because if you don't conduct a thorough interview for temporary employees and contractors, you could make expensive hiring mistakes. If you're working for a company that needs to hire a high volume of temporary employees, you may have the staffing firm handle the whole process. Conduct the interviews, pre-qualify candidates, and then send them to report to work. But if that's not your process, the staffing firm will conduct candidate interviews, but you should also conduct a structured interview for each candidate. When you hire temporary employees or contractors, they don't have time to learn the job. They're expected to have the experience and credentials to be productive and hit the ground running. As a result, during your interview, you must focus on the critical skills needed to perform the task of each temporary assignment or contract and…
