From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Identify weaknesses and missing skills of current team

Identify weaknesses and missing skills of current team

From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

Identify weaknesses and missing skills of current team

- Have you ever wished your current team had additional skills or credentials? Before you hire your next temporary employee or contractor, take some time to identify skills or perspectives that are missing from your current team. The easiest way to do that is to conduct a gap analysis. I've put a copy of one in the exercise files for you so you can follow along. The gap analysis is a process that identifies where you are, where you wanna be, and shows you basically how to get there. It helps identify skills your team has, skills you need, and the type of talent you'll need to hire. Begin by reviewing the specs for the job and the credentials needed to complete the work. Then list the credentials of your current team to identify specifically what skills are missing. This could involve several areas, including years of experience, specific skills, education, certifications, and soft skills. Next, identify the skills you'd like to have on your team. The gap analysis again, is the…
