From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Hire people who will succeed

Hire people who will succeed

- When you hire flexible workers, you need them to hit the ground running. So they need to fit in with your current team, and align with your company culture and core values. A temporary employee or contractor may think they're a fit until they experience the job first hand. So unless you explain your ideal cultural and core value criteria, you could make an expensive hiring mistake. We had a candidate named Sylvia who wanted to make the transition from corporate to manufacturing. So she applied for a one-year contract at a large manufacturing plant. Sylvia only lasted 45 days. She quit because of the language used on the plant floor, safety issues, problems with unions, and having to juggle three shifts of employees. Sylvia was not a cultural or core value match, so she went back to corporate America. There are a number of things you can do to ensure candidates hired will be a fit with your company culture and core values. First, candidates should understand your culture and core…
