From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Determine value-added services of third-party providers

Determine value-added services of third-party providers

From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

Determine value-added services of third-party providers

- All staffing firms are not created equal. You need to work with a firm that specializes in the type of talent you hire. Most staffing firms have a niche, or area of specialization, and have established networks of top talent in those areas. But it's just as important to consider a firm for the services they provide after you hire a candidate. In the case of light industrial temporary employees, does the staffing firm provide the safety training or equipment? In a manufacturing environment, safety is obviously a top concern, so it's important that it's also a priority in the firm you choose. And what tests does the firm conduct? What reference, background, criminal, or other checks does each firm provide? If you're hiring a higher level, or for a long term project, determine how the contract staffing firm verifies credentials, certifications, and skills. What type of reference or background checks do they conduct? Do they understand the various types of visas? In addition, what type…
