From the course: Integrating Temporary Workers and Third-Party Employees

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Communicate to improve employee engagement

Communicate to improve employee engagement

- The global talent shortage means that in many professions the demand for top talent is much higher than the supply, and there's no solution in sight. So now more than ever you need to make sure you're contingent employees are engaged. They need to be informed and involved in a way that will keep them coming back. The key is to treat your contingent employees like you treat your core employees. Keep them in the loop. Communication and feedback throughout their contract is essential. It helps contingent workers feel valued regardless of their job title or length of employment, and it makes them more effective. Monitor their work, give them constructive feedback, and be sure to praise them when they go above and beyond. When your contingent employee knows what's going on around them, when they feel valued, they'll make an emotional connection and they'll be more engaged. They'll be more willing to put in the extra effort, increase their productivity, and improve their performance…
