From the course: Instructional Design: Adult Learners

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Understanding the four stages of learning

Understanding the four stages of learning

From the course: Instructional Design: Adult Learners

Understanding the four stages of learning

People often refer to the learning curve. This curve really does exist. There are four steps along the way that are collectively referred to as the Four Stages of Competency. These steps were originally identified by Noel Burch and have become critical to our understanding of the learning process. I'd like to give you an overview of each stage and share some specific places on the learning curve where instructional designers should pay careful attention. The first stage is called Unconscious Incompetent. In this stage, learners don't know what they don't know. It's sometimes called the bliss stage, because learners can appear to be overconfident in their abilities. A great example is learning to drive a car. You don't know exactly what's in store for you until you get behind the wheel and start driving. The time before a new driver starts their hands-on training is the unconscious incompetent stage. The next stage is called Conscious Incompetent. This is when learners become aware of…
