From the course: Instructional Design: Adult Learners

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Preparing learners for instruction

Preparing learners for instruction

This video will introduce you to three primary learning approaches to adult learning. Which one you select often depends on what needs to be trained. Let's say you were designing a workshop on meeting management skills. Would you have participants memorize a set of meeting management principles? Focus on building specific skills such as writing a meeting agenda. Or would you ask participants to brainstorm a list of best practices based on their own experiences? Each of these strategies reflects a different approach to learning. Asking participants to memorize a set of meeting management principles reflects a Cognitive approach. This learning theory emphasizes the acquisition of knowledge. Demonstrating proficiency with various skills reflects a Behaviorist approach. This learning theory emphasizes the acquisition of skills through the achievement of performance objectives. Brainstorming a list of best practices based on prior experience reflects a Constructivist approach. This…
