From the course: Instructional Design: Adult Learners

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Identifying common learning barriers

Identifying common learning barriers

Adults can face a lot of obstacles when learning something new. As instructional designers, we can improve the effectiveness of our programs by planning for some of these challenges. I'd like to share with you five of the most common obstacles that adult learners face. Squish, No Proof, I sort of Got It, The Vortex, and Use It or Lose It. Let's start with Squish. This challenge comes from Squishy Learning Objectives. This type of training is often referred to as soft skills training cause learning objectives aren't clearly defined. This makes it hard to determine whether training participants actually required any new skills. For example, let's say you were designing a course to show leaders how to build cohesive teams. How would you know if the training was successful? This would be pretty hard to do with Squishy Learning Objectives. A better strategy would be to focus on a specific set of skills. You might design the curriculum around the four stages in Bruce Tuckman's group…
