From the course: Instructional Design: Adult Learners

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Creating active learning techniques

Creating active learning techniques

In this course, we've touched on a few things about how adults learn. For instance, active learning is more effective than passive because it involves the brain. We also learn that it's best to use a variety of delivery methods. Using several delivery methods can improve learning and retention. Regardless of a person's preferred learning style. In this video, we're going to talk about how to create these activities. I'll give you three strategies you can use to quickly develop active learning. The first strategy is Borrowing activities from other trainers. Many trainers are happy to share the activities they've created. It's a source of pride to develop an activity that someone else can use. There are books and websites full of training activities. There's even an app, where you can quickly find an interactive activity. So don't be afraid to use a really good activity that you saw somewhere else. I encourage you to download the Training Activities Reference Guide,. On it, you'll find…
