From the course: Instructional Design: Adult Learners

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Comparing active versus passive learning

Comparing active versus passive learning

From the course: Instructional Design: Adult Learners

Comparing active versus passive learning

This video explores the difference between active and passive learning. Adult learners need an active learning experience to aid with both retention and motivation. To understand the difference, imagine 2 learners taking this course. The first learner is passive, watching all the videos straight through without pausing to try any of the activities or reflect on how the concepts might be applied. The second learner is active, watching only short segments of the course at a time, and then pausing to apply those concepts to a real training project before returning to watch a few more videos. Which learner do you think will learn more? Research and our intuition both tell us. The active learner will gain much more from the class. They'll be more likely to retain information presented, and they'll understand the concepts at a deeper level than the passive learner, because they've applied them to their own work. Of course, is not fair put all the responsibility on the learner, as…
