From the course: Inspirational Leadership Skills: Practical Motivational Leadership

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Motivation audit in your head

Motivation audit in your head

- The inspirational leader does a motivational audit in their head every month. So, the idea of this is instead of just focusing on the task, are we doing the task. About once a month you stand back and you think, are my people happy? You don't want to wait till suddenly somebody leaves, that's too late. You want to make sure they're happy all the time. And I think there are seven things that you can ask yourself about your people. So what do you do, for each person, you just run through these seven things in your head, and just check that they're happy. When I was writing this list, I thought I wonder if it spells anything out, and I fiddled around with a little bit, and I realized it actually spells hot and cold. And I rather like that, so you can ask yourself in motivational terms, are make people warm, and or even really hot, or are they going a bit cold. So let's just look at the hot and cold list.…
