From the course: Inclusive Tech: The Case for Inclusive Leadership

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Leading existing teams

Leading existing teams

- [Narrator] Unless you're working with a new or a rapidly scaling company, you're more often going to be leading existing teams than building teams from the ground up. It's much more likely that you'll be leading teams, companies, and projects that have had many months or even years of existing culture that's calcified around them. Doing inclusion work in existing teams can feel like you've been handed a pre-baked working culture that you need to hurriedly decode before you can begin to drive change. This dynamic can be felt even more markedly in existing teams that you've recently joined. Let's look at a two-pronged approach that lets you start doing impactful diversity inclusion work while you're also getting yourself up to speed with the team dynamics. One half of this approach is to join the team with clearly defined goals and boundaries that you intend on bringing with you to the team. Many of us have worked with a…
