From the course: Inclusive Leadership (2022)

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Innovation and creativity

Innovation and creativity

- Diversity and inclusion work has been around for more than 50 years, and has experienced an evolution of maturity. When I first started in this work over 20 years ago, it was mostly focused on sensitivity training and trying to stay out of trouble. Today, efforts have advanced to include the work as a business imperative, a way to better service diverse customers and a way to complete globally. But not all companies have arrived at this stage. 20 years later, some companies are still at stage one of their journey. So let's review some of the various stages of maturity. Stage one. To meet compliance and avoiding lawsuits. Stage two. To do the right thing. Stage three. To do what's good for business. And stage four. To drive greater innovation and creativity. What stage is your organization in its diversity and inclusion efforts? If you are not at stage four yet, what needs to happen in order for your…
