From the course: Inclusive Leadership (2022)

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Inclusion isn't diversity

Inclusion isn't diversity

- A number of years ago, I was hired by a large global corporation to lead their diversity and inclusion efforts after they had just settled a multimillion-dollar, class-action, race-discrimination lawsuit. In one of my initial meetings with the president, I was told that one of my first orders of business was to go out and recruit more people of color. I was shocked, especially considering the culture and the climate that existed within the company. Fights among minorities were still occurring. Racial slurs were still being written on bathroom stalls. Trust was completely broken among staff and leaders. Employee morale was abysmal among minorities and women. So it was my job to go out and recruit more minorities into this environment? Have you ever worked in similar workplaces with similar conditions? I found in my work that many leaders today still view leadership as a position, a title, and a status in the organization…
