From the course: Inclusive Leadership (2022)

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Competencies of inclusive leaders

Competencies of inclusive leaders

From the course: Inclusive Leadership (2022)

Competencies of inclusive leaders

- Perhaps the greatest learning I've had in becoming a great leader has been the number of bad bosses that I worked for over my extensive career who did not have the competencies and skills to lead anybody. The results of bad bosses left me feeling marginalized, devalued, and overlooked on numerous occasions. In my book that I released in 2016 on how to get invited to the table when you're overperforming and undervalued, I shared my personal experiences and outlined 12 strategies for how to overcome these obstacles and get a seat at the table that you deserve. Having worked for so many bad bosses, they taught me what not to do as a leader and pushed me to work extra hard to stay relevant and effective in my leadership skills. Unfortunately, too many leaders today still have not developed the competencies that are needed amidst a very diverse workforce. I've seen the needs and expectations of employees shift as the global…
