From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Working with groups

Working with groups

- [Instructor] Groups are a great way to keep your content organized inside of an illustration. Let's go ahead and examine some of the things inside of this fictitious album cover for my semi-fictitious band The Darned. And we have our mascot here, Franklin J Skelewobble, who is grouped. Now actually, if I go into the layers panel here, you will remember, of course, if you're watching this sequentially, that we can actually examine the contents of groups. So you can see that Franklin J Skelewobble has a whole bunch of things. I'll stretch out the layers panel. There's the left arm, the left leg, the right arm, all the way through the different body parts there. And, in fact, if I went into the left arm, okay, we have the left upper arm, the left forearm, the left hand, all nicely grouped. And inside of those we've got all of the individual artwork elements. Now I can select things, of course, as you probably know from…
