From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Variable width strokes

Variable width strokes

- [Speaker] Variable width strokes are incredible. And as well as adding some features to strokes that make them look maybe a little bit less computery. You'd be amazed at what you can actually draw with them as well. Let's go ahead here and have a little bit of an exploration. And we'll start out by doing something to change this motif here because this doesn't look very attractive with these blunt ends here. So I'm going to select the thickest of the two strokes there. And go up to this area here where it says uniform. This is the variable width profile selector. And you can see there are some default profiles in there plus at least one of my own. I'm going to use this one variable Width Profile 1. Let's click that to apply. And you can see that instantly, that's done a really good job of improving that. Let's see if any of the others do better. This one with Profiles 6. That sort of works, but it's not on the right…
