From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Using tints

Using tints

- [Instructor] Because premixed inks are pretty expensive, it is not uncommon to get as much mileage out of them as you can. The fewer the better is the ideal in most cases. We're going to make our own ink here and then we are going to make a tint of that ink to do something with this single color design. So I'm going to select, actually, all of the artwork there to start off with. It's made of two components. There's this sort of detail area in here for the wings and then of course the rest of the body of the artwork. So let's go ahead and go to the color panel and I'm going to mix something out of the CMYK set. I can just go ahead here and change that to CMYK, if it's not already. And I'm going to dial down the cyan down to zero and I'm going to dial down the black down to zero here. I'm going to drop the magenta down just a bit at the moment and max out the yellow. So let's go full on yellow and then introduce maybe 10%…
