From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Using symbols

Using symbols

- [Instructor] There's a very special kind of group in Illustrator that is worth considering if you have repeating elements, that are going to change, and that would be symbols. What we've got here is kind of a fun example, but I suggest that anything you're working on, where you have repeating elements that might change, it's worth considering symbols. So there are actually two symbols in here already, or I should say to be more accurate, two instances of symbols, because the actual symbol itself lives inside of this panel here, or at the very least, that's where we find it. So what we'll do is we'll take these two symbol instances, and we will go ahead and select also, the car, just there, and we'll turn that into a symbol. So I'm just going to tap the plus sign, here at the bottom of the symbols panel, and we'll call this one cars. Sounds like a good name. Everything else in there you can pretty much…
