From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Using repeats

Using repeats

- [Instructor] Illustrator has a trio of repeat effects, which can be a very useful thing when you want elements to repeat. They were added a couple of years ago and we're going to explore all three of them right now starting with using this graphic in the corner here to create a grid array of this graphic. Let's go to the objects menu and down to repeat and we'll choose the middle option here, Grid. And if you've ever used Adobe XD before then you've probably seen a grid like this. We can change the number of instances by dragging this big bar either across or down to change those. I'm just going to go out a little way like so, and we can change the spacing by using this double arrow just here. So that will change all of the spacing between each instance. So if I just go maybe a bit further with this one, I can reposition the whole grid if I want to and I can do the same vertically, like so. And just change the spacing…
