From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Using layers

Using layers

- [Instructor] If you were to take a look through the exercise files supplied with this course, you would see that the vast majority of them use layers to present the content to you. And they are a great organizational scheme for you to use with your work in Illustrator. Let's go ahead and open up the layers panel so that you can see the layers inside of this file. Now, looking at the layer that's active, the robot there, you can see that because it's highlighted, we've got a few different icons on here. So to begin with, we have the layer visibility icon so we can turn the visibility of a layer on and off. Next to that, we've got a curious empty box which becomes populated when you click on it which will lock and clicking again will unlock a layer. Over on the right-hand side, you have two hidden little things, or at least one hidden thing and one visible thing. The first, the circle, is what's known as the layer target and…
