From the course: Illustrator 2023 Essential Training

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Using grids and guides

Using grids and guides

- [Narrator] You may have a need to actually place positional items within a certain boundary on your art board and that's where things like guides and grids come in. Let's have a look at the grid first. Now you can launch that from the top level menu system view and then if you come down to show grid you'll see that it's just there. Somewhat quicker though. If you have the properties panel open to go ahead and click that to show the grid. Don't click the thing next to it because that's a transparency grid which is primarily used in video but this one here will set you up a grid. If you want to change the way the grid is, such as the size and so on, you'll need to go to the preferences. So the quickest way I get there is cmd + K or ctrl + K to do that. And guides and grid. This is where you can set up the intervals for your guides and so on. So that's the grid sorted out. And to add ruler guides we need to be able…
